Saturday, January 9, 2010

Brick Cleaner How Do I Go About Cleaning My Floor Without Damaging The Brick?

How Do I Go About Cleaning My Floor Without Damaging The Brick? - brick cleaner

I just tile flooring in the house I rented. They are sealed between the individual bricks. How do I clean my floor without damaging the brick? Bleach will ruin the drive?
I am also concerned that they can penetrate the water and cause mold to grow under them. Is there such a thing as a brick cleaner out there?


thewrang... said...

Check with the owner - was perhaps the mortar before proceeding cm closed in this case, you want to make sure the chemicals used to clean with.

The typical approach to clean the mortar that hehehe a stiff brush, and some elbow grease included. But there are some lava could use to make it easier to use. Refer to the original owner - I understand your concern.

Have Fun

sensible... said...

Use a mop and squeeze-out before cleaning the floor. This should be the surface, without clean water in the spaces between them. Bleach "may" to a change in color of the bricks.

Bob D said...

I think you should ask the owner,

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